Wednesday, January 13, 2021

in thanks: Wednesday evening, January 13, 2021

 in thanks for...

* Dan at the kitchen table fiiiiiiiinnnallly setting up our budgeting ap

* two girls upstairs asleep in their beds after a full-of-sunshine-and-fresh-air-and-music day

* Elena growing up into the kind of kid I wanted to have someday: compassionate, sparky, creative, open to trying new things, cautious but bold, a thinker, affectionate, generally happy <3 <3 <3

* Mirielle being a gift every day, keeping us present and on our toes and in love

* ladies' hike at the farm with J. and A. on the calendar for this weekend

* fiddle class!  Cumberland Gap kicking my bum

* so much love in the mail for the girls from near and far 

* hand-me-downs from Alaska!  my absolute favorite box to arrive this holiday season

* yoga in the mornings and ice cream and novels at night

* the inner calm of this less harried life

* new leadership in Washington, D.C.

* healthy parents, family, friends

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
