Tuesday, May 24, 2011

in thanks: may 24, 2011

in thanks for...

* the belly aches that have disappeared
* growing things (cosmos, potatoes, nasturtiums, greens, beets, carrots, etc!)
* inspiration from friends afar
* time off
* going running in 10 minutes...
* sewing adventures
* the US Postal Service (c'mon, book!)
* picnics in the front yard
* summertime sunshine
* claire's impending visit!
* scheming about a KY visit...!
* a great meeting, and new beginnings
* my considerate, fun roommate who bakes bread
* bike rides, frisbee, hikes, walks, road trips


annie said...

Go go BOOK!

It's totally going to show up. I just know it...

annie said...

Dude! What's going on in AK?